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Here are the most frequently asked questions about HeiMAX. Clicking on the question will take you directly to the answer.


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HeiMAX, the HEITEC assistant, is a time-efficient and cost-effective solution for the structured processing of task lists that helps you increase plant availability. 
The HeiMAX (HEITEC Assistant X) web-based software ensures an optimized, paperless workflow during planning, coordination, and performance of configuration, service, and maintenance work on machines.
Thanks to communication with higher-level systems used in the company, like SAP, CAD, and special maintenance programs, users can access all the necessary information – continuously updated and supplemented – at the right time and in the right place.
HeiMAX optimizes workflows and processes, stores all the data centrally, and supplies specific electronic analyses and reports.

HeiMAX is used wherever structured task lists must be processed and results documented.
Whether for verifying, configuring, or performing acceptance tests on machines and plants, HeiMAX does the work that used to require pencil and paper.

Thanks to automation, HeiMAX enables significant time savings when processing task lists, because the preparation, representation of the individual tasks during their execution, and documentation all run in the background automatically. The report and documentation of the results are completed when the last item on the list has been performed.

Does your company have regularly recurring processes that have to be laboriously processed using pencil and paper?
Do you need the results of your processes documented quickly and in real time?
Should task lists be loaded to your employees’ tablets automatically via standard interfaces?
HeiMAX helps you avoid additional expenditures and work more efficiently. If you still aren’t sure, let us provide you with a concept developed specifically for your company.

In discussions with you, our HeiMAX team forms a precise picture of your requirements and processes. Our product solutions can be specifically adapted to your company on request.

You can certainly form your own impression of HeiMAX. Just request our test demo, and don’t hesitate to contact us directly if you have any questions.
